Ainda jovem foi para A Guarda, na Galiza, onde frequentou um colégio de jesuítas. Admite ter sido sempre mau aluno. Dedicou-se ao atletismo, tendo sido campeão nacional de salto à vara e atleta do Sport Club do Porto, um clube de elite. Segui-se o automobilismo e a vida boémia no Café Diana, Póvoa de Varzim, com os amigos José Régio, Agustina Bessa-Luís, Luís Amaro de Oliveira, João Marques e outros. Cedo se interessou pelo cinema, o que o levaria a frequentar a escola do cineasta italiano Rino Lupo, quando este se radicou no Porto[5] .
Manoel de Oliveira faleceu na madrugada do dia 2 de abril de 2015 às 11:30, vítima de parada cardíaca. Considerado o realizador mais velho em atividade, foi o único que assistiu à passagem do mudo ao sonoro e do preto e branco à cor. Disse o seguinte numa entrevista ao jornal Diário de Noticias: "Para mim é pior o sofrimento do que a morte. Pois a morte, é o fim da macacada". Conseguiu concretizar o seu último desejo: "continuar a fazer filmes até à morte". Era tratado por muitas pessoas como "O Mestre".
As a young man went to the guard, in Galicia, where he attended a Jesuit College. Admits to having always been a bad student. He devoted himself to athletics, having been national pole-vaulting champion and athlete in the Sport Club of Porto, an elite club. I followed up the motoring and la vie Boh? me at Cafe Diana, Póvoa de Varzim, with friends José Régio, Agustina Bessa-Luís, Luís Amaro de Oliveira, João Marques and others. Early interest in the cinema, which would take him to attend school in the Italian film maker Rino Lupo, when it settled at port [5].Manoel de Oliveira has passed away on the morning of day 2 April 2015 to 11:30, a victim of cardiac arrest. Considered the oldest active filmmaker, was the only one who watched the mute to sound and the black and white to color. Said in an interview with the Daily News newspaper: "for me it is worse the suffering of death. Because death is martialed ". Managed to fulfill his last wish: "to continue to make movies to death". Was treated by many people as "the master".

As a young man went to A Guarda in Galicia, where he attended a college of Jesuits. Admits to having always been bad student. He devoted himself to athletics, having been national champion in pole vault and Athlete Sport Club do Porto, an elite club. This was followed by the motoring and the bohemian life at Cafe Diana, Povoa de Varzim, with friends Jose Regio, Agustina Bessa-Luís, Luís Amaro de Oliveira, Joao Marques and others. Soon he became interested in cinema, which would lead him to attend the school of Italian director Rino Lupo, when he settled in Puerto [5]. Manoel de Oliveira died at dawn on April 2, 2015 at 11:30, the victim of cardiac arrest. Considered the oldest director in activity was the only one who saw the passage from silent to sound and from black and white to color. Said the following in an interview with Daily News newspaper: "For me it's worse suffering than death, for death is the end of macacada.". Could fulfill his last wish: "keep making films to death." He was treated by many as "The Master".