Os painéis da FRT não tem partes móveis, isso significa que, o movimento dos ônibus nas mais variadas adversidades não correm perigo de desmontá-los, garantindo assim uma alta durabilidade. As temperaturas de operação também são as mais adversas, em testes realizados em nossos laboratórios, os itinerários são campazes de funcionar perfeitamente em temparaturas que variam de -10º a 70º C.
A segurança também é uma preocupação prevista na programação dos itinerários, uma mensagem de emergência é acionada sempre que o motorista identifica que há alguma ameaça a bordo. Além da mensagem de emergência, fazem parte das mensagens automáticas pré programadas as de bom dia, boa tarde e boa noite, que são acionadas automaticamente de acordo com o horário e também as mensagens que indicam o horário de saída.
Como se não fosse suficiente, o consumo de energia é bastante baixo, variando de 30 a 80 Watts (essa variação depende do tamanho do painel) e sua tensão de alimentação varia de 10 a 30 Vdc.
The panels of the FRT has no moving parts, this means that the movement of buses in various adversities no danger of taking them apart, thus ensuring a high durability. The operating temperatures are also the most adverse, in tests conducted in our laboratories, the itineraries are campazes to work perfectly at temperatures ranging from -10 to 70ºc. Security is also a concern referred to in the schedule of routes, an emergency message is thrown whenever the driver identifies that there are any threats on board. In addition to the emergency message, are part of the automatic preset messages the good morning, good afternoon and good evening, what are triggered automatically according to the schedule, and also the messages that indicate what time. As if it weren't enough, the power consumption is quite low, ranging from 30 to 80 Watts (this variation depends on the size of the Panel) and its supply voltage ranges from 10 to 30 Vdc.

Panels FRT has no moving parts, this means that the movement of buses in various adversities are not in danger of taking them apart, thus ensuring a high durability. Operating temperatures are also the most challenging, in tests performed in our laboratories, the itineraries are campazes working perfectly temparaturas ranging from -10º to 70º C.
Safety is also a concern provided for in the schedule of routes, a message emergency is triggered whenever the driver identifies that there is a threat on board. In addition to the emergency message, part of the pre-programmed automatic messages the good morning, good afternoon and good night, which are automatically activated according to the schedule and also the messages that indicate the departure time.
As if it were not enough, energy consumption is quite low, ranging from 30 to 80 watts (this variation depends on the panel size) and its supply voltage varies from 10 to 30 VDC.

the panels of the FRT has no moving parts, it means, the movement of the buses in various adversities in no real danger of take them apart, thereby ensuring a high durability. The operating temperatures are also the most adverse, in tests conducted in our laboratories, routes are campazes to work perfectly in temparaturas ranging from - 10 to - 70 ° C.The safety is also a concern under the programming of the routes a message of emergency is triggered whenever the driver identifies that there is a threat on board the ship. In addition to the emergency message, are part of the automatic messages pre programmed the good morning, good afternoon and good night.You are driven automatically according to the schedule, and also the messages that indicate the departure time.
as if this were not enough, the energy consumption is very low, ranging from 30 to 80 watts (this variation depends on the size of the panel) and its supply voltage varies from 10 to 30 VDC.