3º Congresso Brasileiro de Tricô -16 a 18/05/14 em Curitiba
O tricô traz diversos benefícios para quem o pratica. São muitos os relatos de pessoas que se utilizaram da técnica durante o tratamento contra depressão, por exemplo. A técnica é milenar, no entanto, a cada dia atrai mais pessoas que ficam enfeitiçadas com a magia do entrelaçar dos fios. O tricô proporciona para quem o faz uma descoberta nova a cada dia.
E são essas descobertas, o intuito de aprender e aprimorar técnicas que tornaram possível em 2012 o 1º Congresso Brasileiro de Tricô, em Curitiba. O sucesso e a procura foram tão grandes que o evento se repetiu em 2013, na capital do estado de São Paulo.
cropped-cropped-logo_congresso.pngEm 2014, Curitiba volta a receber o evento. O 3º Congresso Brasileiro de Tricô, que ocorre no Hotel Nacional Inn, na Rua Lourenço Pinto, 456, terá aulas sobre o método contiguous (top-down), ponto brioche, montagens e arremates, Bordas perfeitas e acabamentos, aumentos e diminuições, entrelac, jacquard, formas e cores em movimento, tricô com miçangas, como criar pontos rendados e trabalhar com cores.
Confira a programação e consulte os valores das aulas.
Faça sua inscrição pessoalmente, na recepção do Congresso.
Caso queira hospedar-se no hotel do evento, com uma tarifa menor, indique que sua reserva é para o Congresso de Tricô. Mais informações sobre a hospedagem através do email gerenciacomercial@nacionalinncuritiba.com.br.
Dúvidas sobre o Congresso? Escreva para congressodetrico@gmail.com.
3rd Brazilian Congress of Knitting -16 the 5/18/14 in CuritibaThe knitting brings several benefits to those who practice. There are many reports of people who used the technique during treatment against depression, for example. The technique is ancient, however, every day attracts more people who become Bewitched with the magic of the interlacing of wires. The knitting provides for who makes a new discovery every day.And are these discoveries, to learn and hone techniques that made it possible in 2012 the 1st Brazilian Congress of Knitting, in Curitiba. The success and demand were so great that the event was repeated in 2013, in the capital of the State of São Paulo in Brazil.cropped-cropped-soon _ Congress. pngEm 2014, Curitiba back to receive the event. The 3rd Brazilian Congress of Knitting, which occurs at the Hotel Nacional Inn, located at Rua Lourenço Pinto, 456, will have classes on the contiguous method (top-down), point brioche, mounts and caps, perfect Edges and finishes, increases and decreases, entrelac, jacquard, moving shapes and colors, knitting with beads, creating Lacy points and work with colors.Check the schedule and see the values of the school.Make your entry personally at the reception of the Congress.If you want to stay in the hotel of the event, with a lower rate, indicate that your reservation is for the Congress of Knitting. More information about the hosting via email gerenciacomercial@nacionalinncuritiba.com.br.Doubts about Congress? Write to congressodetrico@gmail.com.

3 Brazilian Congress of knitting - 16 to 18 / 05 / 14 in Curitiba
the knitting brings several benefits to those who practise it. There are many reports of people who used the technique for treating depression, for example. The technique is ancient, however, every day attracts more people - Sasha. - cursed with the magic of the interlacing of the yarn.The knitting provides for those who make a new discovery every day.
these are discovered, the intention to learn and improve techniques that have made possible in 2012 the first Brazilian Congress of knitting, in Curitiba. The success and demand was so great that the event was repeated in 2013, in the capital of the state of s ã o Paulo.
cropped - cropped so _ congresso.pngem 2014Curitiba back to host the event. The third Brazilian Congress of knitting, which occurs at the National Hotel Inn, in the street louren ç o Pinto, 456, have classes on the contiguous method (top-down) (rolls, mounted and trim, edges and perfect finishing, increases and decreases, entrelac, jacquard, forms and colors in motion, knitting with beads, such as create points shades work with colors.
Check out the programming and refer to the values of the classes.
do your inscription personally, at the reception of the Congress.
if you want to stay at the hotel of the event, to a rate lower, indicating that reservation is for Congress to knitting. More information about the housing via email gerenciacomercial @ nacionalinncuritiba.com.br.
doubts about the Congress? Write to congressodetrico @ gmail.With.