Still young, went to the guard, in Galicia, where he attended a college of the Jesuits. It has always been a bad student. He devoted himself to the athletics, having been national champion in pole vault athlete Sport Club of port, a club of the elite. Follow the automobile and the bohemian life in coffee Diana, povoa de varzim, with his friends Joseph Regal, agustina Bessa Lu í s, Luis Amaro de Oliveira, Jo ã o marques and others. Early became interested in cinema, which would lead to attend the school of the Italian filmmaker Rino Lupo, when he settled down in port [5].Manoel de Oliveira died on the morning of April 2, 2015, at 11: 30, the victim of cardiac arrest. Considered the director eldest in activity, was the only one who saw the passage of the silent to sound and black and white to color. He said this in an interview with the daily news: "for me, it is worse than the pain of death. Because death is the end of the monkey business ". Achieved his last wish: "continue to make films until his death." It was treated by many people as "the master".