Artigo 9.º
(Comissão da Casa)
A Casa cobrará uma comissão de 3% sobre o valor do bolo da mesa, excepto o da aposta feita no lanço final, que não seja acompanhada por nenhum dos outros jogadores. *
* Alterado - Consulte também: Portaria n.º 118/89/M
Artigo 11.º
(Regras adicionais)
a) Capital desfalcado
Diz-se que está com capital desfalcado quando o jogador tenha posto no bolo todo o seu capital, sem poder apostar mais. Está em jogo em relação à porção do bolo até à altura em que esgotou o capital. No caso de outros jogadores continuarem a apostar, as apostas destes serão colocadas à parte, uma vez que o jogador com capital desfalcado já não pode estar interessado neste bolo separado. O jogador com capital desfalcado recebe cartas até à conclusão da jogada e se no fim se verificar que o seu jogo é o de graduação mais elevada, ele ganhará apenas o bolo, sem o bolo separado. Este pertencerá ao jogador que, de entre os restantes, tiver o jogo de graduação mais elevada. Nenhum jogador pode dizer-se com capital desfalcado, tendo dinheiro na mesa. O mesmo princípio aplica-se a todos os casos subsequentes de capital desfalcado.
b) Limite de tempo
Nenhum jogador pode demorar mais que dois minutos a decidir o seu jogo. O seu jogo é abatido, isto é, o jogador é forçado a desistir caso deixe de fazer jogo dentro de dois minutos da sua vez.
c) Aposta por turno
Todo o jogador só pode fazer o seu jogo quando é chegada a sua vez. Caso pretenda desistir do bolo, não pode disso dar indicação, por palavras ou doutro modo, senão quando for chegada a sua altura de fazer jogo.
d) Revelação da carta chave
Se a carta chave, isto é, a fechada, for inadvertidamente revelada no decurso da distribuição, a sua mão será considerada abatida, reavendo o jogador o seu dinheiro de bolo de entrada.
Article 9(The House Committee)The House will charge a Commission of 3% on the value of the cake table, except the the bet is made on the final haul, which is not accompanied by any of the other players. ** Changed-see also: ministerial order No. 118/89/MArticle 11(Additional rules)the) Capital shornIt is said that it is with capital shorn when the player has put into the cake all their capital, without being able to bet more. Is at stake in relation to the portion of the cake until exhausted capital. In the case of other players continue to bet, these bets will be placed aside, once the player with shorn capital can no longer be interested about this cake. The player with capital shorn receives letters until the conclusion of the play and if it is found that your game is the highest degree, he will earn only the cake, without separate cake. This will belong to the player who, among others, have the highest graduation game. No player can say with capital shorn, having money on the table. The same principle applies to all subsequent capital cases shorn.b) time limitNo player can take longer than two minutes to decide your game. His game is down, that is, the player is forced to give up when playing within two minutes of your time.c) bet per shiftEvery player can only make your game when it is your turn. If you want to give up, you can't give this indication, by words or otherwise, or when it is close to your game time.d) revelation of the letter keyIf the key letter, i.e. the closed, is inadvertently revealed in the course of distribution, your hand will be considered to be beaten, the player must your money entry cake.

Article 9 (House Committee) The House will charge a commission of 3% on the value of the table cake, except the bet made at the end of haul, which is not accompanied by any of the other players. * * Changed - See also: Decree No. 118/89 / M Article 11 (Additional Rules) a) Capital shorn It is said that is with depleted capital when the player has put on the cake all their capital without power bet more. It is at stake in relation to the cake portion to the time when the exhausted capital. For other players continue to bet, betting these will be put aside, since the player with depleted capital can no longer be interested in this separate cake. The player with depleted capital receives letters until completion of the move and in order to verify that your game is the highest degree, it just win the cake without the cake separated. This belongs to the player, among others, have the highest degree of match. No player can say with depleted capital, with money on the table. The same principle applies to all subsequent cases of depleted capital. B) Time limit No player may take more than two minutes to decide their game. Your game is slaughtered, that is, the player is forced to give up if it does not make the game within two minutes of your time. C) Bet turn Every player can only make your game when you finish your turn. If you want to give up the cake, can not it give indication by words or otherwise, but when you finish your time to make the game. D) Disclosure of key card If the key card, that is, closed, is inadvertently revealed in during the distribution, your hand will be cast down, regaining the player his entry cake money.

Article 9(Committee of the house)The house will charge a commission of 3% on the value of the cake table, except the commitment made in the final section, which is not accompanied by any of the other players. ** amended - see also: Decree No. 118 / 89 / m.Article 11(additional rules)The capital down)It is said that he is with capital down when the player has put on the cake its entire capital, without being able to bet more. In the game in relation to the portion of the cake up until the time you run out of capital. In the case of other players continue to bet, the betting these will be put to the part, once the player with capital down can no longer be interested in this cake separated. The player with the capital down receives letters until the completion of the game, and in order to verify that your game is the highest degree, he will receive only the cake, the cake is separated. This will be the player that, among the rest, has the game of degree higher. Any player can tell if capital down, taking money on the table. The same principle applies to all cases of capital under resourced.(b) the time limitNo player may take more than a couple of minutes to decide the game. The game is down, that is, the player is forced to give up should you make the game within two minutes of your time.(c) bet per shift.The player can only make your game when it comes to its time. If you want to give up cake, can not also give indication for words or otherwise, except when it is close to its time to play.(d) the revelation of the letter keyIf the letter key, that is, closed, is inadvertently revealed in the course of the distribution, your hand will be slaughtered, IL keep repossessing the player money cake of entry.